Did you know that even a very modest savings cushion can be associated with major life improvements? Have you heard that savings of three months of living expenses is necessary to cover emergency expenses? Many financial education programs equate adequate emergency savings with this amount. While this guidance may work for some people, it isn’t a realistic goal for many. Learn how and why a much smaller amount of savings (hint: in the low hundreds) can help keep your rent/mortgage protected and utilities on. Additionally, learn just how much (little) you might need to save per paycheck to reach these realizable goals. As a bonus, achieving these recommended amounts will likely allow you to be more financially satisfied and less likely to have to resort to high-cost borrowing options like pawn shops or payday loans.
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The FINRA Investor Education Foundation empowers underserved Americans with the knowledge, skills, and tools to make sound financial decisions throughout life. The foundation accomplishes this mission through educational programs and research that help consumers achieve their financial goals and protect them in a complex and dynamic world. More information can be found at https://www.finrafoundation.org/.